Community Update for 5/21/2020

Category : Open/Close

The Board met Monday evening to discuss summer at Estling in these Covid-19 times.  In arriving at our conclusions, we primarily relied on the executive orders from the governor, especially the May 14th executive order concerning the opening on Memorial Day of NJ beaches and lakes.  We also consulted with a handful of neighboring lakes and local public health officials. Restrictions are beginning to be lifted but our current policies need to be based on what exists now.  Hopefully these can be relaxed in the weeks ahead.

We plan to open our beach the weekend of June 20th, the first day that we will have lifeguards on duty.  However, due to the restrictions discussed below and continued restrictions on social gatherings, we are cancelling work weekend.  Executive Order #143, the governor’s order concerning the opening of beaches and lakes, sets forth very specific restrictions.  Executive orders have the legal force of law and must be obeyed and adhered to.
The key provisions that affect us include the closure/non-use of the following:

•    The Community House
•    Playground equipment, and
•    Water “toys” that may be used by others, including kick boards and noodles

Opening of the beach will require that family units remain six feet apart on the beach.  For purposes of this restriction a family unit could be as large as ten people  or as small as a single person. This will prove to be a difficult provision for us and other local lakes.  Some lakes will restrict admission.  Others are considering a “sign-up” sheet and limiting time on the beach. To deal with potential overcrowding, Estling will restrict the beach to Estling families only – that is, no guests allowed at this time.  Additional restrictions may be needed.

We are required to develop and implement beach operational plans and modified lifeguard training.  We are also required to block access to all benches.  Importantly, we are instructed to enforce impermissible pubic gathering as previously described in Executive Order #107.

To open the beach we are required by the health department to open our duplex, implementing a frequent cleaning protocol.  The board has decided to hire an outside firm to perform this cleaning daily. We will also ask members using the restrooms to wipe down surfaces with CDC approved products.  Such products will be supplied by the corporation.

Consistent with, but not specifically addressed by Executive Order # 143, there will be no floats, no diving boards or ladders at the diving dock, no box of toys behind the soda house, and no box to jump off.  The perimeter ropes will define the swimming area but the diving dock area will not be part of the swimming area this year as the rope on the left will be on the soda house side of the diving dock.  The CDC recommendation regarding use of masks in outdoor settings continues to evolve.  Everyone is strongly encouraged by the governor and the health department to wear face coverings when present on the beach as social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

The soda house may be opened.  The Ladies Club will make this decision although the board will offer recommendations here.

Gatherings of individuals and social events were cancelled by executive order.  Therefore, at this time we do not anticipate holding activities such as land events, water events, song service, community dinners, special programs, etc.  Board meetings will be Zoom-based as will the town-hall meeting set for July 1st.

Scott S. has addressed use of the athletic field.

Bob R. as the Director responsible for the beach will ask for volunteers to assist as needed to open the beach.  Scott as the director responsible for the athletic field and Kim N. as the director responsible for the community house and duplex will do likewise.

We do not intend to hire janitors or mail delivery persons for the summer.  Mail will continue to be delivered to the box by the tennis court where it will be sorted and placed in accordion folders that will be left in the big plastic box.  Adults wearing gloves will do the sorting.  Likewise, adults wearing gloves will handle garbage collection at the beach.

The executive orders and recommendations, upon which much of the above is based, are fluid.  As these change the board will meet to discuss and evaluate the changing circumstances.

Stay safe.

Usage of tennis court

Category : General

I have some good news to share with the community today.  The Governor of NJ signed Executive Order 147 which allows tennis courts to reopen as of this weekend 5/23/2020.  I will clear the court of any debris and install the net this weekend so that the community can use the tennis court under the following rules:

  • Singles Only.  No doubles.
  • No spectators.
  • Players must practice social distancing by keeping a minimum of six feet apart from other players to ensure you and your fellow players are in a safe exercise environment.
  • The bleachers/benches are to remain closed as per NJ Gov EO.  Bring your own chair if needed.
  • Bring your own water/drinks as the water fountain will remain closed.
  • Use the bathroom before arriving at the courts.  There will not be a portable restroom at the athletic field.
  • All other courts/activities (volleyball, basketball, horseshoes, baseball/softball, etc) remain closed at this time.

Failure to follow these rules may result in closure of the court.

Here are some additional guidelines published by the USTA to minimize the risk of COVID19 transmission.  Please do your best to follow these while playing tennis:

  • Arrange to play only with family members or others who live in your household or with individuals who are considered to be low risk.
  • Do not play if any of you:
    • Are exhibiting any symptoms of the coronavirus: mild to severe respiratory illness with fever, cough and difficulty breathing, or other symptoms identified by the CDC.
    • Have been in contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
    • Are a vulnerable individual who is an elderly individual and/or an individual with serious underlying health conditions, including high blood pressure, chronic lung disease, diabetes, obesity, asthma and those whose immune system is compromised such as by chemotherapy for cancer and other conditions requiring such therapy
  • Wash your hands with a disinfectant soap and water (for 20 seconds or longer) before going to the court.
  • Clean and wipe down your equipment, including racquets and water bottles. Do not share racquets or any other equipment such as wristbands, grips, hats and towels.
  • Use new balls and a new grip, if possible.
  • Avoid touching court gates, fences, benches, etc. if you can.
  • Avoid touching your face after handling a ball, racquet or other equipment. Wash your hands promptly if you have touched your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Avoid sharing food, drinks or towels.
  • Use your racquet/foot to pick up balls and hit them to your opponent. Avoid using your hands to pick up the balls.
  • Stay on your side of court. Avoid changing ends of the court.
  • Remain apart from other players when taking a break.  
  • Use a hand sanitizer after coming off the court. Wash your hands thoroughly when you return home.
  • No extra-curricular or social activity should take place. No congregation after playing.
  • All players should leave the facility immediately after play.
  • Although unlikely, it’s possible that a tennis ball can transmit the COVID-19 virus, as virtually any hard surface can transmit the disease. So here is an extra precaution you can take to keep safe when playing tennis:
    • Open two cans of tennis balls that do not share the same number on the ball.
    • Take one set of numbered balls, and have your playing partner take a set of balls from the other can.
    • Proceed with play, making sure to pick up your set of numbered balls only. Should a ball with the other number wind up on your side of the court, do not touch the ball with your hands. Use your racquet head or feet to advance the ball to the other side of the court.

On a related note, the Athletic Field Committee is actively working with contractors to schedule a time for the court to be repaired and resurfaced.  The exact timing is not know yet but we will keep everyone informed as decisions are made.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these challenging times.

No Wipes Down the Pipes!

Category : General

For those that have moved up to the lake already or those coming up soon, please remember that the only items you can flush are toilet paper and human waste.  That means no wipes, tissues, paper towels, feminine hygiene products, or deceased pets.  There was a significant clog in our sewer line this week and it took several experts to get it cleared.  Our older plumbing infrastructure is not capable of handling these other materials.  Even the “flushable” wipes are not appropriate to dispose of in the toilet.  These products get caught in the joints/elbows of our sewer lines and do not break down.  Thank you for your cooperation and stay safe!

Recycling Update

Category : General

For those that have moved into camp already, you may have noticed that recycling has not been picked up consistently.  I spoke with the town today and we are working through the issue, but it may take a few weeks to get things back on schedule.  For now, do not put out recycling on Tuesday night.  Also note that the Recycling Center in town is closed temporarily for dropoff but they are trying to reopen it in the next few weeks.  Once we have the issue corrected and the schedule confirmed, I will send out instructions.  Hang tight, stay safe, and I’ll let you know when things are back on track.

Water Line Repair – No water Tue 4/28 from 1PM to 2PM

Category : Water

There is a small leak at one of our usual spots around camp 18. I have assistance lined up for Tue 4/28, from approximately 1PM to 2PM. Everyone from camp 17 and beyond will lose water pressure during the time we are doing the repair. Camps 1 through 16 will continue to have water. Since the times are just an estimate, I will send out an email before water goes off as a reminder and will notify everyone when the repair is complete. Thanks for your understanding!

Estling Lake Road Closure at Train Station

Category : General

NJ Transit has been prepping the train crossing at the start of Estling Lake Rd for upcoming repair work. It is expected that the railroad crossing will be closed for all traffic beginning on Wed April 15th. It is anticipated that the emergency access road will be utilized to allow traffic to pass, but it is unclear how much this will impact our ability to come and go. For now, assume that there will be restrictions getting in and out of the lake so please plan accordingly. The construction at the crossing is estimated to last two weeks but that could change based on weather and other factors.

Summer at Estling

Category : General

What will this summer be like at Estling?  The operating assumption of the Board is “a normal summer, even if somewhat delayed”.  We believe this to be an upbeat but realistic approach in this environment where no one really knows. 

Campers are starting to move in.  As you greet those returning, virtual hugs only please.  We will all need to respect social distancing.  Dot Zalesky will move up this weekend.  Dotti has offered to deliver mail for now.  She will wear gloves.

Work week-end is June 13th.  Given the current restrictions in NJ (see the current NJ rules and guidelines), work week-end might well be delayed.  We will make this decision in a few weeks.

That’s it for now.  Wishing you good health. 

Barbara Doremus

Category : General

We just received a call from Scott Doremus that his mother Barbara Doremus passed away. Barbara was the daughter of Myrtle Creran, Camp #25. Many campers remember Barbara and her brothers Dennis Creran and Bruce Macintosh. We extend our sympathy to Scott, Doug, and Megan


Kaye Bischoff

Category : General

I received a call this morning from Kim with the news that her mother Kaye passed away. Kaye had been struggling for some time, being in hospice care for several months. Many of us fondly remember Kaye, a lady with tremendous energy, a big personality, and a big heart. She will be missed.

There will be a service for Kaye in Florida after the coronavirus restrictions are lifted. I know that I speak for all in sending our best wishes to Kim, Pam, Kathy and the entire family.


Water is on!

Category : Water

Thanks to the great efforts of our volunteers, water is now available to all camps.  We had a few leaks that needed some TLC, but nothing out of the ordinary.  Please be sure to say thank you to all the brave volunteers that came out today so that our community has water:

  • Jeff C.
  • Mike D.
  • Jeff N.
  • Jim T.
  • Scott T.

For those that choose to move in, keep in mind a few things.

  1. NJ is under tight restrictions as a result of COVID19 and things change daily.  You can keep up with the latest news on the NJ COVID19 site.
  2. Paper products are in short supply in this area.  Bring a sufficient amount of toilet paper because most stores do not have any.
  3. BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU FLUSH! Some people in town have tried to get creative due to the TP shortage and have ended up clogging the sewer pipes. Don’t be that person! See below for more information from the town.
  4. There are many local business that offer take out or free delivery.  You can browse a list of Denville stores and their status here.
  5. Garbage pickup will begin on April 6th and is picked up once a week on Mondays.
  6. Recycling is on a new schedule this year, every week there is a pickup.  One week will be paper/cardboard and the next week will be glass/plastic/metal.  Our Estling Calendar has the schedule or you can look at the Town’s site.

Thank you and stay safe!

Denville Township SEWER NEWS

Clogged toilets and sewer back-ups are the latest unforeseen victim of the coronavirus crisis. Residents are disinfecting household surfaces with paper towels, disinfectant wipes, disposable diapers and old rags. And many of them are flushing it all down their toilets.

Not surprisingly, there has been a surge in overflowing toilets and sewer back-ups in our system as well as in neighboring municipalities.

Therefore, even if a product is labeled “flushable,” it could still block your indoor plumbing, cause sewer main clogs and even jam up treatment plants even if they swish down your toilet bowl. So to prevent sewer back-ups or other problems, please throw wipes, paper towels, disposal diapers and rags in the trash and please only flush toilet paper.