Important Information for Estling Lake Annual Meeting

Category : General

Thank you to all that attended our Town Hall meeting yesterday.  We had a lot of participants and a good interaction between presenters and campers.  If you were unable to attend the meeting, please visit our website to review the materials from the Town Hall and the 2020 information packet so that you are prepared for a virtual annual meeting (note, Chuck’s slides are not in place yet but will be there shortly).

If you have questions about how the virtual annual meeting will operate, please reach out so that you are prepared to fully participate in discussions and voting.  Bonnie D. (Camp 19) has offered to provide in-person technical assistance and training for anyone who would benefit from some one-on-one instruction.

While the meeting officially starts at 8:00 PM, it is highly recommended that you join early (as early as 7:30 PM).

  • Voting shareholders are required to join via a computer/laptop/tablet/smartphone with a camera so that the secretary can visually and verbally confirm your attendance.  All other participants will not require a camera unless you are a director or an officer making a report.
  • A “dial in only” option is available, but those without a computer will not be able to see the presentation, will not be able to ask questions, and will not be able to vote.
  • When joining the meeting, you will be placed in a waiting room until the host approves you to join.  You do not need to take any action to be added, the host will automatically be notified that you have joined and are waiting to enter the meeting.
  • Once you have joined the meeting, you will need to connect to the audio either using your phone or computer.
  • After being connected, the host will automatically mute your audio and turn off your video so that there isn’t any background noise while the meeting is in progress.
  • You will not be able to unmute your line, so if you have questions, you must submit them using the chat feature of Zoom.
  • If you haven’t used Zoom before, here are some videos to help you get started:
